ジャンルや楽器のを枠を超え、またそれぞれの人間の波動が一つの楽曲と演奏によって規格外のものへと昇華する瞬間=「HYPER HARMONY(ハイパーハーモニー)」そのライブの模様を収録した躍動感あふれる作品が完成しました。
i-dep、Sound Furnitureをはじめ様々なプロジェクトで活動する藤枝伸介の呼びかけにより集結した強者ミュージシャン総計10名によるアンサンブルは、静謐な空間から壮大で爆発的な世界観まで様々な音世界を紡ぎ出す。
スペシャルゲストとしてファラオ・サンダースとの共演や海外でも人気を獲得したMONDO GROSSO、SLEEP WALKERのサックス奏者中村雅人を迎え、藤枝とのツインサックスによる咆哮の応酬の瞬間を捉えたという意味でも聴き逃せない作品となっています。
CD-R二枚組 特別仕様 ¥3,000(税込)*送料無料
Disk 1 – 1.マナ(30:48) 2.始まりと終わり(18:49)
Disk 2 – 1.88(19:54) 2.ウィンターとの会話(08:42) 3.超越諧調 ハイパー・ハーモニー(23:45) 4.路傍の花 (08:33)
藤枝伸介(SINSUKE FUJIEDA)- Compose, Tenor & Soprano Sax, Flute, Harmonic Flute, Kalimba, Bamboo Clarinet
中村雅人(MASATO NAKAMURA)- Tenor & Soprano Sax
飯尾登志(TOSHI IIO)- Piano
加藤秀(SHIGERU KATO)- Fretless Bass
ウィンター・スペンサー(WINTERHAWK SPENCER)- Voice, Djembe
榎本宏(HIROSHI “eno” ENOMOTO)- Percussions
清水博志(HIROSHI “Shimmy” SHIMIZU)- Percussions
島津祖令亜(SOREA SHIMAZU)- Didgeridoo
小谷和也(PALMECHO) – Drums
青山雅明(MASAAKI AOYAMA)- Khoomie, Electric Sitar (Disk 2-1,2,3)
Cover Photo by 有馬耕太郎(Koutaro Arima)
Back Cover Photo by 上原章(Akira Uehara)
Artwork by Sinsuke Fujieda
Mastering by Sinsuke Fujieda (SoFa Records)
Recorded at JZ Brat Shibuya/Tokyo, on 7 May 2010
Produced by Sinsuke Fujieda aka Sound Furniture
(c)(p)2018 SoFa Records All Rights Reserved
「HYPER HARMONY」is a moment when the genre and instruments are crossed beyond the boundaries, and the waves of each human being sublimate to something out of specification by one song and performance.
This work is a live recording work capturing the moment when a spectacular music world of Sinsuke Fujieda and nine musicians tranquility and explosion coexist.
Saxophone player Masato Nakamura is participating in this work as a special guest. He is also famous as a saxophonist of MONDO GROSSO and SLEEP WALKER who co-starred with Pharoah Sanders and won popularity abroad. It is a work that you can not miss even if you catch the moment of collaboration with Sinsuke Fujieda.
All Songs Written by Sinsuke Fujieda
2 CD-R limited edition ¥3,000(tax in)
Disk 1 – 1.Mana(30:48) 2.Begining and the end(18:49)
Disk 2 – 1.88(19:54) 2.Conversations with Winter(08:42) 3.Hyper Harmony(23:45) 4.Nobody Knows (08:33)
SINSUKE FUJIEDA – Tenor & Soprano Sax, Flute, Harmonic Flute, Kalimba, Bamboo Clarinet
MASATO NAKAMURA – Tenor & Soprano Sax
SHIGERU KATO – Fretless Bass
HIROSHI “eno” ENOMOTO – Percussions
HIROSHI “Shimmy” SHIMIZU – Percussions
SOREA SHIMAZU – Didgeridoo
MASAAKI AOYAMA – Khoomie, Electric Sitar (3,4,5)
Cover Photo by Kotaro Arima
Back Cover Photo by Akira Uehara
Artwork by Sinsuke Fujieda
Mastering by Sinsuke Fujieda (SoFa Records)
Recorded at JZ Brat Shibuya/Tokyo, on 7 May 2010
Produced by Sinsuke Fujieda aka Sound Furniture
(c)(p)2018 SoFa Records All Rights Reserved
Musician. Music producer / composer. Multi lead player (sax, flute, harmonic flute, bamboo clarinet, ho mei etc). Living in Tokyo.
He was impressed with listening to jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker when he was a high school student. Began Alto sax with 18 years old.
He has released live and released in various forms.
Activity at i-dep (Club jazz band popular in festival appearances such as release from Italian IRMA RECORDS, SXSW appearance, summer sonic etc). Sax duo “2 of a kind” with Atsushi Yanaka (Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra), “Fusik” with DJ Kaoru Inoue, “Polar Chalors” with DACHAMBO ‘s CD HATA, SINSUKE FUJIEDA GROUP and duo unit with pianist Hal-oh Togashi etc.
He appeared twice to Fuji Roc Fes in Japan.
In 2010, he received the Setagaya Art Award Music Section. From this time on, developing original ambient sounds and projects under the name of Sound Furniture. Produced installation works using Sumida Aquarium as a whole and Setagaya Art Award performance at iTSCOM STUDIO.
As a creator, He participated in the Ginza itoya New Main Building BGM project.
Up to now, about 30 pieces of albums of his work and participating bands have been released.
TVCM, recording songs including guest performances, many participating albums. We also offer saxophone lessons and workshops.
Since 2012, He operates the music label “SoFa Records”.
Ten works have been released.